Secure your family's future as the main focus in fulfilling His trust. With the added benefits of Waqf Insurance, iSalaam Sharia Life Insurance enables you to become a source of goodness for both your family and others.
Our Solution
The solutions we offer are for your financial protection from various risks that may occur in the future
Critical Illness
Enterprise Solutions
Alive Online Insurance
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Various important information regarding services, procedures and procedures required by customers regarding their insurance policies
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About Generali
Generali Indonesia is part of the Generali Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in Europe.
As a part of one of the largest worldwide insurance companies based in Italy, we are also present and encouraging our Customers to attain the optimal fitness through various health and wellness events.
MoreOur Solution
The solutions we offer are for your financial protection from various risks that may occur in the future
MoreCustomer Service
Various important information regarding services, procedures and procedures required by customers regarding their insurance policies
Article & News
MoreAbout Generali
Generali Indonesia is part of the Generali Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in Europe.
As a part of one of the largest worldwide insurance companies based in Italy, we are also present and encouraging our Customers to attain the optimal fitness through various health and wellness events.
MoreSharia insurance comes with many advantages, one of them being the opportunity to make a positive impact. Let's do good together with Generali Syariah
Unit Syariah telah mendapatkan izin DSN MUI dan seluruh aspek operasional diawasi oleh Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS).
Pengumuman Rencana Kerja Pemisahan Unit Usaha Syariah PT Asuransi Jiwa Generali Indonesia
Didasari konsep mulia gotong royong dan prinsip saling tolong menolong, solusi proteksi syariah Generali memberikan perlindungan di antara para peserta melalui kontribusi Dana Tabarru, yaitu kumpulan dana kebajikan dari uang kontribusi para peserta yang setuju untuk saling membantu bila terjadi risiko pada peserta.
Hadir dengan rangkaian produk dengan manfaat komprehensif menjawab berbagai kebutuhan peserta, termasuk perlindungan jiwa, kesehatan, penyakit kritis maupun sebagai wakaf. Selain membantu dalam perencanaan keuangan dan memberikan ketenangan hidup, solusi proteksi syariah Generali juga menciptakan hubungan silaturahmi di antara para peserta.
Generali memungkinkan orang membentuk masa depan yang lebih aman dan berkelanjutan dengan merawat hidup dan impian Anda.
Secure your family's future as the main focus in fulfilling His trust. With the added benefits of Waqf Insurance, iSalaam Sharia Life Insurance enables you to become a source of goodness for both your family and others.
One step closer to prosperity with RIZQIA Life Insurance that provides 100% Premium return with a 10-years coverage.
RAYA Pro Maxima is a Sharia-based dual-purpose insurance product that provides annual living benefits, death benefits, and end-of-term insurance benefits.
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Kami akan selalu memberikan seputar informasi dan berita untuk jalani gaya hidup sehat yang lebih baik.
is a licensed insurance company regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Head Office
Generali Tower Lantai 7
Grand Rubina Bussiness Park
Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kavling C-22
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
Contact Us
Copyright © 2024 Generali Insurance Indonesia.
All rights reserved
Dr. H. Asep Supyadillah, M.Ag
Ketua Dewan Pengawas Syariah
Asep Supyadillah Doktor Bidang Studi Pengkajian Islam, Konsentrasi Keuangan Islam UIN Jakarta dan merupakan anggota BPH Dewan Syariah Nasional - Majelis Ulama Indonesia Bidang IKNB.
Drs. H. Muhammad Zubair M.Si., AIIS
Anggota Dewan Pengawas Syariah
Muhammad Zubair merupakan mantan anggota DPR RI periode 2007-2009 serta anggota BNSP periode 2011-2016
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