BeSMART Lite (Bank Victoria)


BeSMART Lite is a traditional insurance that provides optimal protection and meets your financial needs. It offers a sum assured if the insured passes away up to age 100 and provides flexibility in choosing the premium payment period and various types of additional benefits.

For more detailed information about this product, please download the file below:

You can also contact Generali Care at the phone number 1500037 (business hours) or via email at We will be happy to provide further details about this product.

Advantages of BeSMART Lite

Main Benefits of BeSMART Lite

  • Manfaat Meninggal Dunia
    100% Uang Pertanggungan Manfaat Utama
  • Manfaat Akhir Masa Pertanggungan
    100% Uang Pertanggungan Manfaat Utama apabila Tertanggung hidup sampai akhir masa pertanggungan

Terms and Conditions of BeSMART Lite

Usia Masuk Tertanggung 31 hari - 70 tahun
Usia Masuk Pemegang Polis 18 – 90 tahun (Ultah terdekat)
Mata Uang Polis Rupiah
Cara Pembayaran Premi Tahunan, Semesteran, Kuartalan, atau Bulanan
Masa Pembayaran Premi 3, 5, 10, 15, atau 20 tahun
Masa Pertanggungan Sampai Tertanggung berusia 100 tahun

Informasi Penting


The following conditions are excluded from the Death Benefit, whether directly or indirectly, if any of the following causes occur:

  1. Suicide, whether in a sane or insane state, committed by oneself and/or by others on the orders of an interested party in the Policy, if the action occurs within 1 (one) year from the Date of Issue of the Policy or the date of Policy Change or the Date of Policy Restoration, whichever is latest; or
  2. War, including but not limited to invasion, rebellion, revolution, resistance against government, military seizure of power, participation in riots, strikes, and civil unrest; or
  3. Deliberately committing illegal acts or criminal acts, terrorism, or attempts of criminal acts, whether active or passive, committed by the Policyholder, Insured, or Beneficiary; or
  4. Capital punishment based on a judicial body’s ruling.

Form Registration

Please fill in the form below according to the information you want to know.

* All information below is mandatory.

For more detailed information about this product, please download the file below:

You can also contact Generali Care at the phone number 1500037 (business hours) or via email at We will be happy to provide further details about this product.