Smart Choices for Every Step of Your Life
A traditional insurance product that provides coverage in the form of a sum assured if the insured passes away up to the age of 100.
Our Solution
The solutions we offer are for your financial protection from various risks that may occur in the future
Critical Illness
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Alive Online Insurance
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Various important information regarding services, procedures and procedures required by customers regarding their insurance policies
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About Generali
Generali Indonesia is part of the Generali Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in Europe.
As a part of one of the largest worldwide insurance companies based in Italy, we are also present and encouraging our Customers to attain the optimal fitness through various health and wellness events.
Our Solution
The solutions we offer are for your financial protection from various risks that may occur in the future
MoreCustomer Service
Various important information regarding services, procedures and procedures required by customers regarding their insurance policies
Article & News
MoreAbout Generali
Generali Indonesia is part of the Generali Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in Europe.
As a part of one of the largest worldwide insurance companies based in Italy, we are also present and encouraging our Customers to attain the optimal fitness through various health and wellness events.
MoreSmart Choices for Every Step of Your Life
A traditional insurance product that provides coverage in the form of a sum assured if the insured passes away up to the age of 100.
BeSMART is a traditional insurance product that provides coverage in the form of a sum assured if the insured passes away up to the age of 100. BeSMART offers flexibility by allowing you to choose the premium payment period and includes various types of additional benefits.
For more detailed information about this product, please download the file below.
100% premium refund applies according to the benefits taken and the provisions according to the policy
Premium healthcare benefits worldwide up to IDR 100 billion
250% UP if the insured lives until the end of the insurance period
Premium payments can be selected according to your convenience
Death Benefit
100% Sum Assured as the main benefit.
Terminal Illness Benefit
50% of the sum assured, up to a maximum of Rp500,000,000, if the insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness expected to result in death within 12 months from the date of diagnosis.
End of Coverage Benefits
250% Sum Assured Main Benefit if the Insured survives until the end of the coverage period.
Smart Living Bonus
This benefit will be provided on the policy anniversary when the insured reaches ages 81-90.
Booster SA | Manfaat perlindungan jiwa tambahan hingga Tertanggung berusia 80 tahun. |
Waiver of Premium (WOP) | Manfaat tambahan berupa pembebasan premi atas manfaat utama dan manfaat tambahan apabila Tertanggung terdiagnosa salah satu penyakit kritis yang dipertanggungkan. |
Critical Illness Benefit (CI Benefit) | Manfaat tambahan berupa perlindungan terhadap penyakit kritis sebesar 50% Uang Pertanggungan Manfaat Utama apabila Tertanggung terdiagnosa salah satu penyakit kritis yang dipertanggungkan. |
Accidental Death Benefit (ADB) | Manfaat yang bisa ditambahkan yaitu berupa perlindungan terhadap risiko meninggal dunia akibat kecelakaan. |
Generali HealthCare Solution (GHS) | Manfaat yang bisa ditambahkan yaitu berupa penggantian biaya Rawat Inap dan Rawat Jalan. |
Please fill in the form below according to the information you want to know.
* All information below is mandatory.
For more detailed information about this product, please download the file below.
is a licensed insurance company regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Head Office
Generali Tower Lantai 7
Grand Rubina Bussiness Park
Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kavling C-22
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
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