Celebrate Your Aspirations with Guaranteed Benefits Up to 165%
Our Solution
The solutions we offer are for your financial protection from various risks that may occur in the future
Critical Illness
Enterprise Solutions
Alive Online Insurance
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Various important information regarding services, procedures and procedures required by customers regarding their insurance policies
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About Generali
Generali Indonesia is part of the Generali Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in Europe.
As a part of one of the largest worldwide insurance companies based in Italy, we are also present and encouraging our Customers to attain the optimal fitness through various health and wellness events.
Our Solution
The solutions we offer are for your financial protection from various risks that may occur in the future
MoreCustomer Service
Various important information regarding services, procedures and procedures required by customers regarding their insurance policies
Article & News
MoreAbout Generali
Generali Indonesia is part of the Generali Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in Europe.
As a part of one of the largest worldwide insurance companies based in Italy, we are also present and encouraging our Customers to attain the optimal fitness through various health and wellness events.
MoreRAYA Pro Maxima is a Sharia-based dual-purpose insurance product that offers annual living benefits, death benefits, and end-of-term insurance benefits.
For more detailed information about this product, please download the file below.
You can also contact Generali Care at the phone number 1500037 (business hours) or via email at care@generali.co.id. We will be happy to provide further explanations regarding the details of this product.
Contribution returns up to 165%
Total Scheduled Annual Benefits, up to 500% of Annual Contributions
Insurance Benefits up to 120% in the event of death
Flexible selection of payment terms and insurance periods
Usia Peserta saat Meniggal Dunia
Persentase dari Manfaat Asuransi yang diserahkan
< 1 tahun
1 tahun s/d < 2 tahun
2 tahun s/d < 3 tahun
3 tahun s/d < 4 tahun
4 tahun atau lebih
Masa Asuransi (tahun)
Manfaat Tahunan
15 | Tahun Polis ke 6 - 15: 15% Kontribusi Tahunan*
20 | Tahun Polis ke 6 - 20: 15% Kontribusi Tahunan*
Apabila Peserta masih hidup sampai Masa Asuransi berakhir dan status Polis tetap aktif, maka Pengelola akan menyerahkan 100% Santunan Asuransi.
Jika Pemegang Polis mengajukan Penebusan Polis, maka Polis akan berakhir dan berlaku ketentuan pengembalian Dana Tanahud sebagaimana tercantum dalam Ikhtisar Polis. Pengembalian Dana Tanahud tidak memperhitungkan Kontribusi Kondisi Khusus (jika ada).
Usia Masuk Pemegang Polis berdasarkan ulang tahun terdekat | Pemegang Polis: 18 - 90 tahun |
Usia Masuk Peserta berdasarkan ulang tahun terdekat | Masa Asuransi 15 tahun: 31 hari - 55 tahun |
Masa Asuransi 20 tahun: 31 hari - 50 tahun | |
Masa Asuransi | 15 tahun atau 20 tahun |
Masa Pembayaran Kontribusi | 5 tahun |
Kontribusi Minimum | Rp24.000.000/tahun |
Mata Uang Polis | Rupiah |
Cara Pembayaran Kontribusi | Tahunan, Semesteran, Kuartalan atau Bulanan |
For the risk of Death, the Administrator will not provide Insurance Benefits due to one or more of the following conditions:
Please fill in the form below according to the information you want to know.
* All information below is mandatory.
For more detailed information about this product, please download the file below.
You can also contact Generali Care at the phone number 1500037 (business hours) or via email at care@generali.co.id. We will be happy to provide further explanations regarding the details of this product.
is a licensed insurance company regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Head Office
Generali Tower Lantai 7
Grand Rubina Bussiness Park
Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kavling C-22
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
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