The success of this page depends on the cooperation of community members, who will be fully responsible for the content of uploaded comments. Generali Indonesia acts as the moderator/administrator.

Generali Indonesia will make every effort to ensure that the information and data published on this page are reliable, complete, and up-to-date. In any case, Generali Indonesia disclaims responsibility for negligence in and/or inaccuracies found in the content uploaded on this page.

Content published by Generali Indonesia on this page, unless stated otherwise, is the property of Generali Indonesia, protected by legislation, and may be used by users for marketing purposes. We support users in uploading comments and status updates, given that users bear full responsibility for the same after publication.

The administrators of this page reserve the right to delete or modify without warning any comments that:

  • Might contain spam or links to external sites;
  • Are off-topic;
  • Support illegal activities;
  • Promote specific political products, services, or organizations;
  • Violate copyrights;
  • Contain profanity, insults, personal attacks in any form, offensive comments aimed at ethnic, religious, sexual, or political groups;
  • Violate legal provisions.

The moderators/administrators of this page have the right to monitor, modify, or delete comments that do not comply with the above rules. Moderators/administrators may also remove users from the page, advise users who repeatedly violate related rules, and take other actions deemed necessary including but not limited to legal action in accordance with applicable provisions.

The moderators/administrators of this page reserve the right to disallow the publication of status updates proposed by users on the page if there is non-compliance with the rules mentioned above. Official statements from Generali Indonesia on this page fully represent the voice of the moderator/administrator and cannot be represented by any other entity, employee, or agent who may be present on this page. Generali Indonesia does not control ads from other brands that appear on this page managed directly by Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/Tiktok/Youtube.