Pengaturan cadangan pesangon/pension karyawan sesuai jangka waktu & kondisi finansial perusahaan
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The solutions we offer are for your financial protection from various risks that may occur in the future
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Various important information regarding services, procedures and procedures required by customers regarding their insurance policies
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About Generali
Generali Indonesia is part of the Generali Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in Europe.
As a part of one of the largest worldwide insurance companies based in Italy, we are also present and encouraging our Customers to attain the optimal fitness through various health and wellness events.
Our Solution
The solutions we offer are for your financial protection from various risks that may occur in the future
MoreCustomer Service
Various important information regarding services, procedures and procedures required by customers regarding their insurance policies
Article & News
MoreAbout Generali
Generali Indonesia is part of the Generali Group, which is one of the largest insurance companies in Europe.
As a part of one of the largest worldwide insurance companies based in Italy, we are also present and encouraging our Customers to attain the optimal fitness through various health and wellness events.
MoreA secure and convenient pension planning program solution for companies from Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan (DPLK) Generali Indonesia.
BRAVO Perusahaan is a pension program for companies from Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan (DPLK) that helps set aside severance/pension funds to meet the company's obligations under the applicable labor laws in the Republic of Indonesia.
Anda juga dapat menghubungi Generali Care di nomor telpon 1500037 (jam kerja) atau melalui email di care@generali.co.id. Kami akan dengan senang hati memberikan penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai detail produk ini.
Pengaturan cadangan pesangon/pension karyawan sesuai jangka waktu & kondisi finansial perusahaan
Pengelolaan pajak perusahaan secara efisien hingga 25%
Pembayaran dan administrasi manfaat pensiun karyawan Anda lebih mudah
A digital innovation in the form of Generali’s web-based DPLK service that makes it easier for customers to manage their pension funds.
Centralized Service
DPLK Generali Indonesia provides centralized services with a dedicated PIC to assist customers with administration and communication.
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Anda juga dapat menghubungi Generali Care di nomor telpon 1500037 (jam kerja) atau melalui email di care@generali.co.id. Kami akan dengan senang hati memberikan penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai detail produk ini.
is a licensed insurance company regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Head Office
Generali Tower Lantai 7
Grand Rubina Bussiness Park
Kawasan Rasuna Epicentrum
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kavling C-22
Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
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